♥...WhaT Is L♥vE?...♥
What Is Love
Love is much more than a single word
Experssed in an emotional response
A word so precious as pure love is
A melodious sound.
It reaches every single heart
Ready and open to receive
Not taken lightly, ignored
Neglected and deceived.
Love Is Pure
Perfect love comes from almighty God
Unblemished, wholesome and pure
A miraculous gift recieved at birth
To share forever more.
We meet a borther, hungry and cold
Lines of pain on this face~
We stop, we look, do we walk by ?
Or do we share with him God's grace.
A crumb of bread , a dime, a touch
A word perhaps showing compassion
How are you doing? Can I help ?
If you want to talk, I'll sit and listen.
Often I ask for God's help
I wait but get no answer
I realize you are in great demand God
Am I dialing the wring number?
Love Is Silence
I don't believe so my dear child
I hear every call in question
Maybe you asked with good intention
But did you forgot to listen ?
Love Is Within
Still your mind for a little while
Open your heart to my vibration
When you sense peaceful stillness
You'll hear the answer to your question
Love Is Wise
Deep within each living soul is
A kowing of sincere wisdom
That comes from a spirit on high
Where God lives in His Holy Kingdom.
Faith is a grace we were all born with
A blessing we sometimes often need
It is a power we can all call on
If we would only in God believe.
Slowly the darkness of night will fade
Each morning God opens the shade
And He turns the key held in His hand
To anothe dawn so lovely and grand.
Each new day is priceless and free
God's beautiful creations remain a mystery
But all these gifts are for you and me
We know that God is the key
Oh the peace and happiness we will
When we put our trust in God and
Only He put our trust in God and believe
Only He can make all our fears disappear
He is the key to all things we hold dear
God's plans for us we will never know
But His many blessings continue to flow
Making our life brighter in every way
God is our key to heaven one day.
Glenna M. Baugh
God is the key to a brigh
God is the key to a brigh
Tomrrow for you and me
Quote by Gleena
And I say also unto thee, That thou art peter and upon this rock I
I will build my church
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
And I will give unto thee the key of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven and
thou shalt loose on eath shall be loosed in heaven
Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was
Jesus Christ.
Matthew 16: 18 - 20 KJV
I will say of the Lord , He is my
refuge and
My fortress my God in Him will
I Trust
Psalm 91:2.
When you pass through the waters , I will be with you
And when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you
When you walk trough the fire
You will not be burned the flames will not set you ablaze
For I am the Lord your God
The Holy One Of Israel
Your Savior
Isaish 43 : 2 -3.
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